• How will you keep my child safe?

    St Richards CE Preschool is set up to be safe for young children at all times. We have strict health and safety procedures and make ongoing checks of the environment to minimise hazards.

    All gates and doors are securely locked throughout our sessions. We have a password system in place to ensure only adults authorised by parents are able to pick up children. Pick up and drop off is well controlled and supervised with children being greeted and released by a member of staff, one at a time.

    All our staff are fully trained in safeguarding young people and we have a low staff:child ratio so that children are well supervised throughout the day.

  • My child is not yet potty trained, how can you support my child?

    We are very used to supporting children and families through this important transition. All children are different and families often choose different strategies to help their child move from nappies to the toilet. We have child sized toilets at preschool and there is always a member of staff available for assisting children using the bathroom. The best thing to do is to talk to your key person when you are ready to start potty training so that we can use the same strategies at preschool that you feel will work best at home.

  • My child has allergies, how will you help them stay safe?

    We can adapt our provision to deal with many allergies and medical conditions. We are a nut safe setting and ensure children with any food allergies or intolerances are catered for at snack times, with all staff fully informed and clear reminders displayed. All our staff are fully trained in paediatric first aid, including the use of epipens. Before your child joins we make sure we fully understand their allergies and we create a care plan together with you to ensure their safety.

  • How can I find you? Is there parking?

    St Richards CE Preschool is tucked away at the end of Forge Lane, in the church hall.

    There is easy pedestrian access as well as buses R70, 111 and H25. We encourage families to walk to Preschool if they can, but if you do need to drive there is a car park. Please always drive slowly coming into Forge Lane and our car park.

  • How can I pay my fees?

    You will receive an invoice at the start of each term and we accept payment by either bank transfer (preferred) or cash which must be in a sealed envelope handed to staff. You can also pay through your tax free child care account. Fees can be paid either on a termly or monthly basis, or speak to the Deputy Manager if you would like to organise an alternative payment schedule.

  • Can someone else collect my child?

    Yes, you can authorise other adults to collect your child from preschool, you can set this up as part of your induction process. We would also ask that you let us know if anyone not known to the preschool who does not usually collect your child is coming to collect them – they will also need the password provided by you.

  • My child is unwell and unable to come, what should I do?

    Please let us know of any absences by either emailing the manager or leaving a message on 07986784836.

    Some childhood illnesses, such as vomiting and diahorrea, and contagious diseases, such as chicken pox and Covid-19, do have exclusion periods from school.

  • I have a complaint, who do I talk to?

    We encourage an open and honest dialogue with parents and believe all families have a right to a courteous and prompt response to any concerns or complaints. You should initially approach the manager to discuss your concerns – if the complaint does not get resolved at this stage you can raise the issue with our trustees - to contact them click here.

    Our full complaints policy can be read here. Our full safeguarding policy can be read here.